Office Syndrome

Office Syndrome is typically found in office workers, refers to a group of various symptoms including the inflammation of neck, shoulder, and back muscles. These symptoms are caused due to repetitive muscle strain during having lengthy period of unhealthy positions such as sitting in front of a computer screen for several hours.

Neck pain is one of the most common musculoskeletal conditions reported after working at a computer for extended periods. It is usually caused by Prolonged sustained posture: Holding the neck in a semi-flexed position for a long duration increases the risk of developing neck pain and a combination of postural strain, desk setup, monitor setup, seating, and stress.

What are some of the symptoms of office syndrome?

  • Shoulder, neck, and back pain.
  • Headaches.
  • Wrist and finger pain.
  • Numbness of the fingers, hands, or arms.
  • Back and hip stiffness.
  • Abdominal pain, discomfort.
  • Sleeplessness.
  • Dry eyes.

How is neck pain diagnosed? Usually, a medical history and a physical exam are enough for a healthcare and Physiotherapists provider to diagnose the cause of neck pain and according to the diagnosis will be treat it.

There are a variety of treatment options for office syndrome, If the symptoms are mild, the best solution is to start an exercise program and adjust working conditions and behaviors. If the pain is more severe, additional treatment therapies may be required, including taking medication, acupuncture therapy, and rehabilitation and physical therapy.

How do physiotherapists treat neck pain?

Physiotherapy can help most conditions that lead to neck pain. It usually involves a combination of manual (hands-on) therapy such as joint mobilization or manipulation as well as exercise therapy, such as range of motion and strengthening, self-massage.

which include Dry needling, which is the medical procedure that involves inserting needles into the areas of muscle spasm that are in pain. The goal is to target the myofascial trigger points to alleviate the pain and make the muscles relax.

How can I relieve neck pain in office?

Gentle stretching and self-massage.

Simple range-of-motion stretches—such as slowly moving the head forward, backward, and side to side—can be performed discreetly while sitting at a desk. If a particular movement starts to increase pain, that movement can be avoided. And one critical point, when working at your computer or at a desk, keep your head balanced directly over your spine as much as possible. That means setting your chair height so both your feet can rest on the ground and sitting with your buttocks far back in your chair, good posture is a treatment and prevention as well.

Wish you all health and happiness.

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